Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I consider this a day unlike any other day. I have been wanting to get my own web page for a few years now. When I first heard about "BLOGS" I really wanted to do that too. I read about Blogspot on a Jonah Goldberg blog 2 or 3 years ago. I thought I would try it then but it still was above my ability to figure out how to do HTML's as I had no clue as to what a HTML was. I still do not know what it means but Blogger.com has made it so simple for me to do. I heard Eric Case on NPR station WMUB this am and as I followed his directions it became so simple that even I can now be a blogger.......what a day....unlike any other day in my life. As of now I am only talking to myself but I do not expect that to be the case for very long. I do want to learn how to post pictures and then I will tell my friends and family to look me up in the "blogosphere". By the way, thanks to all who made this possible, expecially all you bloggers who have gone before me. Good job.


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