Monday, April 04, 2005


Metamora Patter

Have you ever noticed that most of the "Old Sayings" are full of truth? I am talking right now about the one that says, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." I must admit that when I was younger I used to think that "change" was needed for an exciting life. For example, as a young bride, I used to re-arrange the furniture in my living room every 6 months at least. I read an article that told me that I would keep my husband's interest in my and our home if I never let it become stagnant. I guess that meant that if it never changed.

Well, those days are over. nOW We CANwalk into our living room 'in the dark' and know just exactly where to sit down, and to even be able to reach for the remote control and turn the T.V. on. I realized years ago that the more I changed things, the more they stayed the same.

But now I find that we like knowing that there are some things that never change....for example the furniture in our living room. We are even comfortable in knowing what the days have in store for us. I love routine. It is like the bed of the River that lets the River know where it is supposed to flow. And if I were the engine on a train, I would appreciate the people who laid the track before me.

I am just saying that I believe the Lord likes stability in the Universe. The sun comes up in the east every single day and sets in the west. It would really be confusion if there were certain things you could never depend on. Praise the Lord for change, but thank God that the more things change, the more they stay the same.


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