Wednesday, May 25, 2005



Rom 13:7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. (KJV)

I have been blessed to grow up in a community of America where we still honor those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we all enjoy today. Those who gave their lives from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terrorism and those who suffered the loss of their loved ones deserve our thanksgiving and gratitude on this Memorial Day of 2005. We are indeed a giving and a forgiving nation. We suffer fools gladly as we watch the burning of the American flag and the defaming of the Military.

The only war that we fought on our own soil is the Civil War. Our Nation was ripped apart as brothers fought against brothers in order to set at liberty a race of people who had been brought here from their native land and sold as slaves to the highest bidder. If we desire freedom for one, we must demand freedom for all. Our Country took a couple hundred years to get the Constitution in full coverage for its citizens. There is much to be desired in our Country but I do not believe God is finished with us just yet. There is still work to be done and people to be set free. (I do not understand how we can continue to kill our unborn babies and refuse food and drink to those who cannot feed themselves and be justified from these horrors by a judicial system that is gone awry.)

I believe we need to stand up for what is right and not be afraid of those who laugh, mock, and ridicule us as if we are the ones out of touch with the needs of others. I believe we should fly our flag and honor our dead. I believe that we need to pray for the lost and the blind as we watch and wait for them to come to the knowledge of the truth.

This Memorial Day will find our High School Bands marching in the streets of our small towns and cities, and many of our friends and neighbors still decorate the graves of their loved ones Our Preachers will be reminding their congregations of the ultimate sacrifice of the ONE WHO GAVE HIS OWN SON ON THE OLD RUGGED CROSS, and we will hear our choirs and choruses singing, THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC.

There may be many young people who do not yet appreciate the lives sacrificed and the values this great nation offers to those who arrive on our shores, but I believe that some day they will understand. I am grateful to a loving God who still blesses America and Americans in spite of us, and administers grace to our nation as well as justice for all. I am also pleased that He uses these United States and her many resources to be a blessing to other nations in their times of need.

I take this opportunity to join with all who have loved ones who have gone on to their glory in bowing my head and telling their Creator thank you for the love and the blessing that we have received from their having been part of our heritage.


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