Wednesday, June 01, 2005



Matt 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (KJV)

We are living in exciting times. You can read Jesus' words as recorded by Matthew in chapter 24 and be amazed at how on the mark Jesus was in telling us what we could expect in these last days and hours.

There are wars, earthquakes, floods and fires, but it is the happenings in the Middle East that are so extraordinary. Countries that were completely closed off to the message of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are suddenly crying out for freedom. Whether you agree or disagree with the main reason Pres. Bush used to go to war in Iraq, you must be pleased with the ongoing events at this time. The election of January 30, 2005, in Iraq, set an example to other people living in neighboring countries that the time has come to step out of darkness into light.

I believe that this is an open window giving Christians the opportunity to proclaim the TRUTH about God and His Son, Jesus the Messiah. It was also very difficult 2000 years ago, but that generation took the Gospel to these very same nations. In fact, some of them were at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and heard for themselves about the Lord Jesus sending the Holy Spirit to continue His Mission in setting the captives free, healing the sick, and forgiving all people of all their sins if only thay would believe and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. (Acts 2:7-11)

The world has never been the same, and I believe that is what we are witnessing today. The world will never be the same in our generation either as people and nations are being set free and are going to have a chance to hear about Jesus and then to have the choice be set free from death, Hell, and the grave. Before you can make the choice, you have to have the chance to hear the Truth and then to accept or to reject Jesus as Messiah and LORD. (Rom 10:14-15)

I remember the thrill the day the "window" for the Gospel to be preached in Russia and the other nations of the former Soviet Union opened. Thank God for satellites and for ministries and ministers and for TBN who were brave and unafraid and who stepped through that opened door. And today thank God for the men and women who went to the devastated countries that had been hit with the Tsunami. They showed the love and compassion of the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the one who draws mankind to Jesus. But I believe we are blessed to be living in these days because the Holy Spirit is still being poured out on all flesh. (Acts 2:17)

JESUS IS LORD. Tell everyone because everyone should get the chance to make a choice.


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