Friday, June 30, 2006


June 30 - No More Dying to Do

"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man."
(Hebrews 2:9)


Dear Christian,

Death. It's not a popular topic--even among believers. In fact, a great many are just plain scared of it. Oh yes, they talk about having eternal life. Yet when the devil tries to threaten their earthly survival with sickness or calamity, they panic.

Why? Because they haven't learned to look at death through God's eyes. Even though their spirit has been made immortal, they haven't renewed their minds to include that truth. If they had, when the devil tried to push their panic button, they'd just laugh and say, "You can't scare me, devil. I've done all the dying I'm ever going to do!"

That's true, you know. The Word of God says that you, as a born-again believer, are never going to see death (John 8:51). Jesus has been your substitute. He suffered death, so you wouldn't have to. And when He was raised, Hebrews 2:14-15 says, "He destroyed him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And delivered them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."

If you've made Jesus the Lord of your life, the only death you'll ever experience is behind you now. It occurred the instant you received Christ. At that moment, your old self--the one whose nature was to sin and rebel against God--died. Your body didn't die, but your spirit man--the real you-- died to Satan and all of his works. You became "a new creature" (2 Cor. 5:17), immortal and absolutely incapable of death!

When you're finished with your work on the earth, you're not going to die. You'll simply shed your earthly shell and relocate to a far more glorious place.

Go to the Word and get God's perspective on death. Make a study of it. Once the reality of your immortality begins to dawn on you, the devil will never be able to threaten you with it again.


Scripture Study: Hebrews 2:9-15

Thursday, June 29, 2006


June 29 - Be Willing!

"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land."
(Isaiah 1:19)


Dear Christian,

A healthy body. Enough money to pay all your bills and extra to invest in the work of the gospel. A godly marriage and happy, healthy children. Peace of mind. God has prepared a banquet full of blessings for you.

But those blessings are not just going to fall in your lap. You must be willing as well as obedient if you're going to eat the best from God's table.

So, be willing!

Don't be willing for Satan to put sickness on your body. Be willing, instead, to be well! In honor of Jesus' sacrifice at Calvary, refuse to accept anything less than divine health.

Don't be willing to live in lack, but be willing instead to live in divine prosperity and abundance. Refuse to allow Satan to stop the flow of God's financial blessings to you.

Be willing to receive God's best plan for your marriage and your children. Don't settle for the "norm" in the world. Live above it in a home full of love and harmony, a home that is what God meant it to be.

Don't allow Satan to substitute anxiety and ulcers for the peace and undisturbedness that Jesus bought for you. Be willing and obedient to cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.

Refuse to be robbed of the banquet of blessings that have belonged to you since you became a believer. Be willing to eat the good of the land!


Scripture Study: Deuteronomy 8:5-20

Wednesday, June 28, 2006



I Jn 4:3
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. (KJV)

The Apostle John wrote the Gospel of John and the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. He also wrote three letters. The first letter is to the Church at large. The second and third letters were written to certain individuals. Today we are going to discuss the first letter he wrote to Believers in 90 AD.

I Jn 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (KJV)

There are many preachers and teachers today who are preaching and teaching the same things as the false prophets were in the day John wrote this letter. (2 Peter 2:1) John gives us the way to test and try the words that these people are saying. We are not to judge the person, but we must evaluate the words that are taught and spoken. The simple test is: Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh? This is the way to discern the spirit of an antichrist in a false prophet or teacher.

Jesus Christ did indeed come in the flesh at his supernatural birth by the Virgin Mary; but I also believe that it means much more than that. I believe that it acknowledges the fact that Jesus overcame death, hell, and the grave to be resurrected in a flesh and bone body. The Greek word for 'come' is 'nike' which means 'victory'. Jesus was victorious over death and was resurrected in a body of flesh. Jesus Christ did 'come in the flesh' by coming back to life in His human body.

Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. (KJV)

It was important that the Disciples realize that Jesus himself was standing before them in a flesh and bone body. He overcame in the flesh. He was victorious over Satan, sin, and the penalty of sin that had plagued the human race for thousands of years. Jesus told them to handle Him and see for themselves that it was indeed the same man they had walked with and talked with and ate with and drank with for 3 and 1/2 years. In fact, John opened this letter with this very statement of fact

I Jn 1:1-4
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. (KJV)

Church, Jesus Christ has indeed been raised from the dead. Any person or any teaching or any doctrine that does not confess the fact that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and has indeed overcome in the flesh is of the same spirit as antichrist. Jesus has been raised from the dead and is alive forever more, and is seated at Father's right hand. And truly our fellowship today is with our Heavenly Father and His resurrected Son Jesus Christ. And this same Jesus will soon return to earth to receive all believers to Himself. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.


June 28 - Viva la Difference

"If one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
(Ecclesiastes 4:12)


Dear Christian,

There's power in unity. The devil knows that. That's why he's continually fighting it. He takes the differences between us, differences God put there to make us stronger, and tries to use them as a wedge to drive us apart.

Take men and women, for example. He's deceived us into fighting about which one is superior over the other. But I can settle that argument right now. Women are superior to men. If you don't believe that, you boys try having a baby. But then, men are superior to women. If you don't believe that, you women try having one without us.

It's the differences combined that make us strong!

People have even argued about whether God is male or female. But the Bible itself tells us that. He's both! That's right. In the Hebrew language, all words have gender. They're either male or female. But the Hebrew word "Jehovah" is both masculine and feminine. He's as much female as He is male and as much male as He is female.

Originally, mankind was that way too. When God first made "man," he was as much female as he was male. Then God separated the female part out and made "woman" or, "the man with the womb." After that, man and woman had to come together to be perfectly whole.

That's still true today. For example, when He puts together husband and wife teams, He often puts people together who have major personality differences. Where one is weak, the other is strong, and vice versa. So, when they become one, they're more powerful than they ever were apart.

There was a time when I didn't understand that. I got aggravated with God for calling me a wife who didn't care for so many things that I liked. But I finally realized God knew what He was doing. If He'd given me a woman who was as nuts about flying as I am, we would have spent the rest of our lives in the clouds. We wouldn't be preaching the Word. We'd be in some silly airshow flying upside down. "The Copeland Team!" or something.

Do you have people in your life who are irritatingly different from you? Don't let the devil use those differences to drive you apart. Thank God for them! Let Him teach you how to appreciate them. Let Him show you just how powerful you can be... together!


Scripture Study: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


June 27 - God's Medicine

"The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
(John 6:63)


Dear Christian,

We've seen some tremendous medical breakthroughs in our generation. We've seen "miracle drugs" developed that can conquer many kinds of sickness and disease.

But, you know, in the 20-plus years I've been a believer, I've discovered another, much more effective kind of medicine: the Word of God. There's never been a miracle drug that could equal it. God's medicine is the answer to every need. It is life. It is health. It is the power of God. And if you put it in your heart and act on it, you will be healed.

Sometimes people ask, "If God's medicine works every time, why are there so many believers who are still sick?" There are two reasons. Number one, because they don't take the time to plant the Word concerning healing deeply into their heart. And number two, because they don't do what that Word tells them to do.

Think of it like this: If a doctor prescribes medicine for you to swallow daily and you decide to rub it on your chest instead, that medicine isn't going to work for you. You have to follow the instructions and use it properly if you expect to get well, don't you? In the same way, if you read God's prescription for health and don't act on it, you won't reap any of its benefits.

Proverbs 4:22 says God's Words are life and health to you. So don't wait until you get sick to start using them. Start now. Begin to put God's Word in your heart in abundance and it will be hard for you to get sick. That Word within you will constantly be keeping God's healing power at work in you.

And don't worry. There's no limit to the amount of God's medicine you can take. You can't get an overdose. The more you take, the stronger you get.

Start growing strong today.


Scripture Study: Proverbs 4:20-27

Monday, June 26, 2006


June 26 - Take a Stand Against Strife

"The beginning of strife is as when water first trickles [from a crack in a dam]; therefore stop contention before it becomes worse and quarreling breaks out."
(Proverbs 17:14)


Dear Christian,

Throughout the Scriptures, God warns us about the danger of strife. Yet, it's still one of the most common problems among believers. We let it get into our homes, our work places, our churches...everywhere!

Of course, we don't purposely let it in. We don't wake up in the morning and say, "I think I'm going to stir up some major strife today." We just inadvertently let it slip up on us one minor irritation at a time.

So, I urge you today to take a big stand against those little opportunities for strife. If you have a tendency to let things irritate you, decide to overcome that tendency. Arm yourself against them with the knowledge that this world isn't perfect, that there are people in it that aren't going to be nice to you. There are people who are going to stir you up and annoy you on purpose or by accident.

Make up your mind that, by the power of God, you're not going to let them get your peace. That peace is so important to your well-being. It will keep your body healthy. It will keep your relationships healthy. It will put you in a place where God can guide your steps and save you from some very grave mistakes.

If you've spent a lifetime getting your feathers ruffled over every little thing, it may take a while for you to break that habit. You may have to work at it a moment at a time. But you can do it.

I know. I had to do that where worrying is concerned. I'd worried for so many years and had come from such a family of worriers that I did it almost without thinking. When I learned worrying went contrary to the Word of God, I had to give it up one minute at a time. With the help of the Holy Spirit, every time a worried thought would come to me, I would overcome it with the Word of God. And I did that until I broke that worrying habit for good.

You can do the same thing with strife. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you start to notice and overcome it one moment at a time. Then, every time you start to get upset about something, rebuke that strife in the Name of Jesus and resist it. Say right out loud, "I am walking in the peace of God today."

You'll be surprised how much more wonderful living can be.


Scripture Study: Matthew 5:21-26,43-48"

Sunday, June 25, 2006


June 25 - Don't Get in a Hurry

"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. ...and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes."
(Deuteronomy 6:6-8)


Dear Christian,

One of the reasons Gloria and I have seen the results we have in our lives and in our ministry is because when we realized what the Word of God would do, we literally immersed ourselves in it. We turned off the radio and television, we put down the newspaper, and spent nearly every waking moment of the time available either reading the Word, listening to tapes on the Word, or thinking about the Word.

All that time in the Word eventually had a powerful effect on us. It began to revolutionize everything about us. It began to turn failure into success.

All that didn't happen overnight, however. It took time. A great many believers don't realize that. They start out devoting themselves to the Word, but they make the mistake of expecting instant, miraculous results, and when they don't see them, they get disappointed and fall away.

Don't do that. Be patient. Give the Word time to do its work.

Jesus once said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4). The Word of God feeds the spirit man just as bread feeds the body. Food has to be built into your body. The vitamins and minerals it contains have a cumulative effect on it, don't they? In fact, almost anything that affects your body instantaneously is considered dangerous.

Much the same thing is true with the Word of God. It has a cumulative effect. Yes, at times God will act instantly and perform a miracle, but only to get things back on track. What He really intends is for you to feed on His Word to grow in strength and in faith and to bear fruit in due season.

So don't get in such an all-fired hurry. Stay in the Word. Be patient. The results will come!


Scripture Study: Deuteronomy 7:11-23

Saturday, June 24, 2006


June 24 - Don't Tell It Like It Is

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."
(Proverbs 18:21)


Dear Christian,

Words are serious business. And, as believers, we need to get serious about learning how to use them. We need to begin to put them to work for us like God Himself does. The Bible tells us that He uses words to "call those things which be not as though they were" (Rom. 4:17).

Most of us don't have the faintest idea how to do that. We've spent our lives "telling it like it is." We've constantly used our mouths to report on the sorry state of affairs around us. Thus, the very thought of calling "things which be not as though they were" seems a little crazy.

"You mean I'm supposed to say, 'I'm healed' when I'm feeling sick? I'm supposed to say, 'I'm prosperous' when I'm penniless?" we say. "That sounds like lying to me."

No, no. There's a vast difference between lying and speaking by faith. A lie is meant to deceive someone. It's designed to make someone believe something that's not true. But to speak by faith is simply to speak words that agree with the Word of God instead of the circumstances around you. It's speaking from your spirit instead of from your mind.

As the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:13, "We have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, I have believed, and therefore have I spoken. We too believe, and therefore we speak" (The Amplified Bible).

Now that's important. Read that verse again. "I have believed, and therefore have I spoken."

There are some folks who speak the words, but they don't have the faith to back it up, and as a result, they fall flat on their spiritual faces. They didn't actually "call things that be not as though they were." They called things that be not the way they wished they were.

Those are two very different things. The words may be the same. But just wishing and hoping won't get the job done. You've got to "believe."

Begin today bringing both your tongue and your heart in line with the Word. Stop "telling it like it is" and start speaking and believing the promises of God. Put the power of words to work for you.


Scripture Study: Proverbs 15

Friday, June 23, 2006


> > (overheard in a conversation between God and St. Francis):
> >
> >
> > God: Francis, you know all about gardens and nature; what in the
> > world is going on down there in the U.S.? What happened to the
> > dandelions, violets, thistles and the stuff I started eons ago?
> > I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow
> > in any type of soil, withstand drought, and multiply with
> > abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts
> > butterflies, honeybees, and flocks of songbirds. I expected to
> > see a vast garden of color by now. All I see are patches of
> > green.
> >
> > St. Francis: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. They are
> > called the Suburbanites. They started calling your flowers
> > "weeds" and went to great lengths to kill them and replace them
> > with grass.
> >
> > God: Grass? But it is so boring, it's not colorful. It doesn't
> > attract butterflies, bees or birds, only grubs and sod worms.
> > It's temperamental with temperatures. Do these Suburbanites
> > really want grass growing there?
> >
> > St. Francis: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it has grown a
> > little, they cut it....sometimes two times a week.
> >
> > God: They cut it? Do they bale it like hay?
> >
> > St. Francis: Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put
> > it in bags.
> >
> > God: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?
> >
> > St. Francis: No sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it
> > away.
> >
> > God: Now let me get this straight...they fertilize it to make it
> > grow and when it does grow, they cut it off and pay to throw it
> > away?
> >
> > St. Francis: Yes, sir.
> >
> > God: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we
> > cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. That surely slows
> > the growth and saves them a lot of work.
> >
> > St. Francis: You aren't going to believe this Lord, but when the
> > grass stops growing so fast, they drag out hoses and pay more
> > money to water it so they can continue to mow it and pay to get
> > rid of it.
> >
> > God: What nonsense! At least they kept some of the trees.
> > That was a sheer stroke of genius, if I do say so myself.
> > The trees grow leaves in the spring to provide beauty and shade
> > in the summer. In the autumn they fall to the ground and form a
> > natural blanket to keep the moisture in the soil and protect the
> > trees and bushes. Plus, as they rot, the leaves become compost
> > to enhance the soil. It's a natural circle of life.
> >
> > St. Francis: You'd better sit down, Lord. As soon as the leaves
> > fall, the Suburbanites rake them into great piles and pay to
> > have them hauled away.
> >
> > God: No way! What do they do to protect the shrubs and tree
> > roots in the winter to keep the soil moist and loose?
> >
> > St Francis: After throwing the leaves away, they go out and buy
> > something called mulch. They haul it home and spread it around
> > in place of the leaves.
> >
> > God: And where do they get this mulch?
> >
> > St. Francis: They cut down the trees and grind them up to make
> > mulch.
> >
> > God: Enough! I don't want to think about this anymore.
> > Saint Catherine, you're in charge of the arts. What movie have
> > you scheduled for us tonight?
> >
> > St. Catherine: "Dumb and Dumber," Lord. It's a really stupid
> > movie about....
> >
> > God: Never mind--I think I just heard the whole story from Saint
> > Francis!


June 23 - See Yourself Strong

"And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight."
(Numbers 13:33)


Dear Christian,

How does the devil see you? Does he see you as a terrifying and mighty warrior of God...or does he see you as a wimp he can whip in a minute?

The answer to that question depends on you. I realized that one day as I was studying the children of Israel and their failure to enter the Promised Land. The key to their failure is found in these words: "And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in theirs."

The reason the Israelites were so terrified to fight the giants in Canaan wasn't because those giants were so big. It was because the Israelites saw themselves as so small! It was what they were in their own sight that defeated them.

The same thing is true for you as a believer. It's what you are in your own sight that will make the difference. If, in your own sight, you're a weak, powerless Christian, the devil will run over you three or four times a day or more if he's not busy. But when you begin to see yourself as God sees you, as a conquering son or daughter of the Almighty God equipped with the very power of God Himself, the devil will want to steer clear of you.

The devil would rather do anything than come against somebody who's bold and courageous, because he's a coward himself. In fact, ever since Jesus came up out of that grave, Satan's heart has melted within him at the sound of that Name in the mouth of one who has faith in it.

If you're not strong in the Lord in your own sight, you need to change that. You need to get so full of God's Word and so full of the Holy Ghost that you walk around like a spiritual giant. Turn the tables on the devil and let him find out what it feels like to be a grasshopper for a change.


Scripture Study: Numbers 13:17-33

Thursday, June 22, 2006


June 22 - Expect a Harvest

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."
(Luke 6:38)


Dear Christian,

Give and it shall be given unto you. That statement came straight from the mouth of Jesus. Yet there are a great many believers who flatly refuse to believe it. In fact, they actually have the mistaken idea that it's wrong to expect to receive when they give.

The truth is--it's wrong not to!

What would you think about a farmer who planted seeds, then let his crop rot in the field? You'd think he was a fool, wouldn't you? And if he did it when others were starving, you'd think he was criminally irresponsible.

Well, it's just as irresponsible to give financial seeds and ignore the harvest God promised. Especially when that harvest could help send the gospel to people who are starving to hear it. It's just as wrong to ignore the key to prosperity that Jesus Himself gave us as it is to let a wheat crop rot in the field.

God wants us to receive from the financial seeds that we plant. He wants us to be prepared to require no aid ourselves and to be "furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation" (2 Cor. 9:8, The Amplified Bible). He wants us to have plenty--not so we can hoard it selfishly--but so we can give generously.

Next time you give, don't be afraid to expect a harvest! Release your faith for the financial rewards Jesus promised. Then, when they come, turn right around and plant them again. Keep the flow of giving and receiving going so the Lord can bless the world through you!


Scripture Study: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Wednesday, June 21, 2006



Gal 1:6-7
(6) I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
(7) Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. (KJV)

I marvel that so many Christians today still get troubled when they hear of someone or something trying to pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is not new. The first record we have of someone lying about the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is found in the Gospel of Matthew.

Matt 28:12-13
12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,
13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. (KJV)

It has been almost two thousand years and the Devil is still trying to sell that same old story. He does that because he knows that when people truly believe that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead that the power of that resurrection could be applied to the hearts of believers and deliver them from sin and Satan’s power to rule over them. (Rom 6:18)

The Apostle Paul also had to deal with this situation in the Church at Corinth. There were some there telling both Christians and non-believers that Jesus had not risen from the dead. Paul spent the whole 15th chapter of his first letter to them in refuting that teaching. (I recommend you read the whole chapter for yourself)

1 Cor 15:14-19
14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. (KJV)

I love the gospel message of forgiveness of sins, and freedom from sin’s authority to rule over me. But like Paul, if my hope in Christ Jesus is only in this life, then I join him in the misery category. This body that I dwell in can only eat so much, drink so much, wear so many pretty things, and do so many exciting adventures. And not one of those activities satisfied my hunger and thirsting after righteousness.

It is only faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead that literally changed my heart from one of stone to one of flesh. The heart of God has found an abode in my heart. The love of God has found a dwelling place in my spiritual man, the hidden inner being that is the real me. I am more than a “body and mind”. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. I am a new me. And I love looking to the future return of Jesus to this earth to carry His Bride away. (Mary Magdalene will be part of the wedding party, but she was not and is not the Bride of Christ Jesus) That honor belongs to the blood-bought Church.

1Thes 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. (KJV)

The Bible records that Jesus died and rose again. Some say that Jesus lied and married Mary Magdalene who moved to France(where she had their daughter Sarah)



June 21 - Put First the Word

"For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.... Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her."
(Proverbs 4:7-8, Amp)


Dear Christian,

I want to tell you the only real secret to getting ahead in this world. It's simple. Put the Word of God first place in your daily life.

"Well," you may be saying, "I've heard that before. It's no secret." But when you understand what I mean, it could be a revelation to you.

You see, the Bible is not just a textbook, a storybook, or a history book. It's a handbook for living. It's the wisdom of Almighty God written down so that you can apply it to your everyday circumstances.

God says that wisdom is the "principal thing." Principal means "first in importance." That means the Word of God needs to occupy the place of highest importance in all of your activities. I know from experience what an impact that can have on your life.

Twenty years ago I decided to read the gospels and the book of Acts three times in 30 days. It seemed an impossible task at the time. With two small children and my house turned upside down from a recent move, I couldn't see how I could possibly spend that much time reading the Word and still get everything done. But I set myself to put other things aside and do it anyway.

Surprisingly enough, at the end of the first day I had accomplished more than I would have under normal circumstances. And by the end of that 30 days, I'd not only read the gospels and Acts three times, I'd kept all my housework done, taken care of my children, and refinished several pieces of furniture to boot! I was amazed.

You'll be amazed at what happens in your life too, if you give God's Word priority. But let me warn you, don't wait until you think you have the time. Satan will see to it that you never do.

Just do like I did and set other things aside. Invest your time in the Word first and that investment will soon be paying off in every area of your life.


Scripture Study: Proverbs 3:1-9

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


June 20 - A Healthy Dose of Love

" not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it--pays no attention to a suffered wrong."
(1 Corinthians 13:4-5, Amp)


Dear Christian,

Walking in love is good for your health. Did you know that?

It's true! Medical science has proven it. Researchers have discovered that hostility produces stress that causes ulcers, tension headaches, and a host of other ills.

Now when you think of hostility, you may think of the type of anger you feel when something serious happens. But according to the experts, that kind of thing isn't what causes the worst problems. It's the little things: when the dry cleaners ruin your favorite outfit, for example. Or when the cafeteria lady puts gravy on your mashed potatoes after you've specifically told her not to. Sound familiar?

Just think how much stress you could avoid by being quick to forgive, by living your life according to 1 Corinthians 13 and not counting up the evils done to you. Imagine physical and emotional benefits of living like that!

If you've allowed yourself to be habitually bound by hostility, that may sound like an impossible dream, but it's not! Because as a born-again believer, you have the love of God inside of you.

If you'll yield to that love, it will set you free. Remember when Jesus called Lazarus forth from the grave? He was alive but still bound in the grave clothes. Jesus commanded the bindings to be loosed so that Lazarus could be free to walk.

Jesus wants that same kind of freedom for you. So get into agreement with Him. Say to those deadly habits that have you bound, "In the Name of Jesus, loose me and let me go! I'm putting hostility, unforgiveness and selfishness behind me. I'm going on with God. I'm going to live the life of love!"

Remember: It doesn't take a medical miracle to turn your life around. All it takes is a decision to yield to the force of love. Do it today!


Scripture Study: Proverbs 4:10-27

Monday, June 19, 2006


June 19 - A Miracle Inside You

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts."
(Zechariah 4:6)


Dear Christian,

I remember the first time I went with the Oral Roberts crusade team to a healing meeting. I was a student and a member of his aircraft crew. I had been a believer a little over four years and knew so little about the things of God, especially meetings like these. However, I was part of the team and eager to learn.

I followed the team inside this huge auditorium. It was filled with sick people. The place smelled, it was so full of disease. Just walking in there sent chills of fear up my spine.

I turned around and headed for the side door as fast as I could, talking to God under my breath. "Listen, I don't belong here," I told Him. "I'm getting on a Greyhound bus and heading home right now. They can get that airplane home without me."

Once I was outside the door, I started talking louder. Then suddenly, I froze. My feet wouldn't move. I knew it was God who'd stopped me because, inside, I was still on my way to the bus station. But outside, I was stuck to the sidewalk.

I looked up and hollered, "Turn me loose!" But I couldn't move.

Desperately, I prayed, "Please, let me go! I don't have anything for those people."

That's when God spoke back to me. Every cell in me heard it. He said, "I KNOW you don't have anything to give them. But I DO and that's why I baptized you in My Spirit."

My feet suddenly turned loose and I knew I had a choice. One was life and one was death. So I turned around and went back.

I was ready to run. But God stopped me. He knew HE was in me, and if I'd just stay and stir up what was in me, miracles would happen--and they did.

You have that same miracle-working God inside of you. And there are people all around you who need Him. So quit waiting to feel like you have the power to do it and get out there. Once you do, you'll discover that the power you've been waiting on has been right there inside you all the time waiting on you!


Scripture Study: Exodus 3:1-14

Sunday, June 18, 2006


June 18 - Discover What Grace Can Do

"And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all."
(Acts 4:33)


Dear Christian,

Most of us don't have any idea what grace really is. Oh, we know some basic facts about it. We know we were saved by it (Eph. 2:8). But we don't even begin to understand the real power it can release in our lives now, today!

If you want to get a picture of what grace can really do, look at what happened to the early Christians in Acts 4. They'd been threatened by the religious leaders of Jerusalem and commanded not to speak or teach any more in Jesus' Name. So, they were praying about the situation.

Roughly, what they said was this, "Now Lord, we've been threatened, but we aren't about to quit preaching and go hide under some religious rug. Just turn the power up, give us boldness, and we'll go on."

Do you know what happened as a result of that prayer? Verse 33 tells us, "Great grace was upon them all."

Great grace. Grace so powerful that when those believers received it, the whole building shook. Grace so great it enabled the apostles to work "many signs and wonders... among the people" (Acts 5:12).

That one story alone should be enough to convince you that grace is not just some abstract spiritual state of mind. Grace is real. It's powerful. It provides the supernatural power to make things happen!

Now, do you want to know something really exciting? The Bible says that same grace that was available to the early Church in Jerusalem is available to anybody who's ever sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Thank God, that means you and I qualify!

If the devil's been threatening you lately, follow the example of those early Christians. Get in prayer and say, "Lord, I don't care what the devil and his bunch say, I'm not going to back down. I'm going to keep on talking and living by faith--and I'm going to do it boldly. So just turn up the power!"

I guarantee you, if you're sincere about it, He'll do it; and you'll begin to discover what grace is really all about.


Scripture Study: Acts 4:8-33

Saturday, June 17, 2006


June 17 - Open Their Eyes to the Light

"If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
(2 Corinthians 4:3-4)


Dear Christian,

Since God doesn't save anyone against their will, does it really do any good to pray for people who consciously refuse to receive Jesus as Lord?

Yes. Yes! YES! IT DOES!

You see, in spite of the fact that most all unbelievers who have purposely refused to receive Jesus as Lord think they've made that decision of their own free will, the truth is, they haven't. The Word of God says they've been blinded by Satan. He's blocking their perception of the truth. So their decision hasn't been freely made at all.

That's important for you to grasp. Because through the prayer of intercession, you can interfere with the satanic forces and help take those blinders off! You can also change circumstances with your prayers and help create situations that will bring them in contact with the Lord. You're well within your spiritual rights when you do that.

I prayed with a friend of mine once who'd been praying for his lost brother for years. Jesus said in Matthew 12:29 to first bind the strong man and then enter his house and spoil his goods. So we said, "You spirit blinding the eyes of ______________, you stop what you are doing to keep him out of the kingdom of God. In Jesus' Name, you stop NOW!"

Jesus also said in Matthew 9:38, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." So we prayed, "Lord, send someone to ____________ with the Word of God. You know who he will listen to. We claim _____________ for the kingdom of God. We believe we receive his salvation and deliverance. In faith we praise You for it."

In almost no time at all his brother called him. "What have you been doing up there?" he asked. "In the past few days, everybody I've come across has started preaching to me!"

Our prayers had interfered with the forces Satan had been using to blind this man to Jesus and created the circumstances to bring him into the kingdom. Sure enough, within a few days, he was born again.

Use this same prayer for your loved ones and believe when you pray and you'll see the same results.

Don't sit by and let the devil take your friends and loved ones without a fight. Pray. Pray! PRAY! Come against the "god of this world." Take off the blinders and open their eyes to the glorious gospel of God.


Scripture Study: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7

Friday, June 16, 2006


The roses are especially beautiful this year. The members and visitors of the Metamora United Methodist Church are blessed to see these beauties as they arrive to worship and praise the Lord.


June 16 - Hang On

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."
(Isaiah 55:11)


Dear Christian,

Did you know that the battleground for the problem you're facing right now is in your mind and on your lips? If you'll hit the devil with the Word and cast the care of the situation over on God, you'll win.

Let me warn you though, hanging onto the Word isn't always easy. The devil knows that if he doesn't steal it from you, you'll use it to enforce his defeat.

So don't be surprised if he sends an evil spirit to exalt itself against the Word of God. If you're sick, he may begin to tell you, "You're not healed. You know that healing's not for today. Even if it were, it wouldn't work for you. It might work for somebody else but not you."

If he starts to tell you that kind of thing, don't buy it! Don't start worrying around about it and thinking, "Oh my, I'm afraid I'm not going to get healed. I sure don't feel healed. Why, I'm probably going to just get worse and worse...."

Remember this: It's the Word that does the work, not the one holding onto it. It'll work for anybody who'll put it to work. It'll work for you just like it worked for Jesus when He walked the earth.

He told Satan, "It is written!" No matter what the devil tries to tell you, refuse to let go of the Word. Tell him what is written concerning your situation. Let the Word fight its own fight. It'll whip the devil every time.


Scripture Study: Psalm 19:7-14

Thursday, June 15, 2006


June 15 - Cast Your Cares on Him

"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
(1 Peter 5:6)


Dear Christian,

When I first learned to cast my cares on the Lord, I was down in south Texas preaching a meeting that nobody was coming to. I'm telling you, people were staying away from that meeting by the thousands; and after a service or two with just the preacher, one or two others and me in attendance, I was starting to sweat it. But the Lord said, "Cast that care on Me," so I did.

I started walking around grinning and whistling. I told the devil, "I'm not going to frown or have one worried thought. I came here to preach and that's what I'm going to do, and it's God's business whether anyone shows up or not. I couldn't care less!"

I went around so happy I felt downright foolish. The devil said, "What's the matter with you? Don't you even have sense enough to worry over something like this?" I suppose people were saying, "I guess he's too dumb to worry. I think it's because he's never been to seminary. He can't tell a landslide from a flop."

But I told the Lord, "I have my care rolled over on You, and if nobody shows up but that one dear old woman, she's going to be the most preached-up old woman in the state of Texas because I'm going to preach just the same as if there were a crowd."

I didn't realize then what was happening, but that carefreeness put me in a non-compromising position with the devil. He couldn't get to me anymore. He couldn't get me in fear and unbelief anymore. He couldn't pressure me and get me to compromise because I didn't care. I'd given all my care to God!

Are you ready to be free of care? If you are, just make this confession of faith:

I'm a believer. I'm not a doubter. The Word works in me; and at this moment, I humble myself under the mighty hand of God. I cast all my care over on Him. From this moment forward, I refuse to worry. Instead, I will pray. I will use my faith and believe, and He'll exalt me over the problem and over the devil. For I belong to Jesus and He cares for me!


Scripture Study: Psalm 55:16-22

Wednesday, June 14, 2006



1 Cor 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. (KJV)

I have many, many memories from my childhood. I loved being a kid. I never had a clue as to whether things were good or bad for my family, for our neighbors, or for our nation. Our country fought two wars during my childhood, WW2 and Korea. But all I knew was that times were great at our house. We had enough food to eat and warm clothes to wear. I thought my Dad knew everything about everything and I trusted him with all my heart. My Mother was a stay-at-home Mom and she spent her life in taking care of my two sisters and me.

Matt 18:2-4
(2) And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
(3) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
(4) Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (KJV)

I looked forward to starting school, as I couldn't wait to learn to read. I was a quick learner and good grades came easy for me. I was more than willing to participate in class and raised my hand on every question; but all I really wanted to do was get to recess.

I grew up believing in God. I never ever doubted the fact of His existence. I had a lot of questions I longed to ask Him and I loved going to Church and Sunday School. I thank my parents for seeing to it that I got a good start in life by teaching by example their faith in God. We prayed before every meal and before going to sleep at night. Of course I am remembering my childhood from an advantage point of selective memory. I suppose if I wanted to, I could find many things to complain about, but I truly would have to rack my brain to come up with something.

As I entered my teen years things got a wee bit more complicated. I know now that it was a very good time to be a teenager compared to today; but I suppose that all teens think they are the first ones to experience life on this planet. Times were good and living was fun. My Dad and Mom took an active roll in my High School years and I will be forever grateful for that.

I have walked many miles since those childhood years but I still remember them with warm and loving thoughts. Today I look at things differently than when I was a child. (Of course I still believe that my Dad knows everything about everything and I still trust him with all my heart.) But I now understand that life is not as simple as I thought it was then.

I appreciate how difficult it is to raise a family and to bring them to adulthood with a sense of values, honesty, and integrity. I understand that even though I entered the Kingdom of God as a child, my Heavenly Father does expect me to mature into a vessel He can use in His way and His time. Putting away childhood things is not too difficult when you replace them with the love and understanding of a living God. We have a heavenly Father who knows all about us and is still willing to receive us as His own. As a Christian, I trust Him now and always will. And I look forward to seeing Him face to face. I am very blessed to be a Child of God and to be sheltered in His arms. I am also willing to work with Him and to walk with Him all the days of my life on this planet. And I thank my Heavenly Father for my earthly father.


June 14 - Know God's Will

"Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it."
(Psalm 127:1)


Dear Christian,

What a time of monumental decisions and changes we're living in. If there ever was a day when you and I must know God's will and purpose for our lives, it's now.

In fact, nothing else is going to work! God is changing and rearranging things, lining them up for the endtime move of the Spirit. If you're going to keep up, you must know God's perfect plan for your life--and how to carry it out in His power!

How do you do that? Through prayer.

In fact, God has provided us a prayer in His Word that we can use to receive the wisdom and understanding we need for this critical time. You'll find it in Colossians 1:9-11:

"For this cause not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of [God's] will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness."

In recent months, God has instructed Gloria and me to pray that prayer for our ministry partners and for ourselves every day. It's a powerful, Holy Ghost-inspired prayer that will not only enable you to know what God's will is, but to have the wisdom and understanding to carry it out.

Once we get a glimpse of God's will for our lives in the Spirit, let's not mess things up by trying to carry it out in the flesh. Let's not try to build the house ourselves and end up doing it all in vain. Instead, let the Lord build the house in His power.

Pray this prayer that God has given us. It was written in the New Testament for you. Put your name in it. It's a prayer you can be sure God will answer. Put it to work in your life daily and God will fill you with His knowledge and understanding!


Scripture Study: Colossians 1:9-22

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


June 13 - Blessings by the Bushel

"And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you."
(Mark 4:24)


Dear Christian,

How many blessings are you going to receive from the Word of God? It depends on how many you expect to receive. When God measures them out to you, He'll be using your measuring stick, not His own. He always works that way.

Two people can hear God's Word about healing, for example. One will measure it with faith. "Praise God, by His stripes I was healed!" he'll say. "I believe that with all my heart, and I'm going to keep on believing it until I receive my healing."

The other will measure it with skepticism. "I don't care what Bible verses he comes up with," he'll say. "I just don't trust that preacher. I'll give this healing stuff a try, but I doubt very much if anything's going to come of it."

Both of those people will get exactly what they expect. God will measure to them just as they measured the Word. One will get healed...the other won't.

I must warn you though, sometimes measuring the Word with faith is hard. Years ago, when Gloria first read the scripture, "Owe no man anything," it was tempting for her to measure it as a curse, not a blessing. We were living in a terrible little house at the time, and she wanted a new one more than just about anything.

How were we ever going to buy a decent house without borrowing? It didn't seem possible. So, to her, it was as if that scripture had said, "Gloria, you can't have a new house."

But she refused to measure it that way. She grabbed the devil by the throat and said, "Look here now, you're not going to cheat me out of my house." Then she started believing that somehow God could provide her with a house debt free. Sure enough, He did.

If you want to receive blessings by the bushel load, start going to the Word with a bushel basket. Put a big measure of faith in the hand of God. He'll fill it to overflowing and give it right back to you!


Scripture Study: Luke 8:1-18


June 12 - Play to Win

"Who is he that over cometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?"
(1 John 5:5)


Dear Christian,

I've often heard people say, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." That's nonsense. If you play the game right, you'll win!

Any coach will tell you that part of playing the game right is having a winning attitude. That's what God wants us, as believers, to have. He wants us to have so much faith in Him that we expect to whip any obstacle the devil brings our way. He wants us to expect to win at the game of life.

We don't always come by that attitude easily. We're so accustomed to losing that we have to totally change our way of thinking if we want to have a winning mind-set. In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul told the Church to renew their minds. They needed to change their attitudes, to renew their minds to the fact that Jesus has overcome the world.

If you haven't already, you need to do that too! You need to develop a glorious sense of confidence that says, "Hey, devil, I'm going to be victorious and there's not a thing you can do to stop me!"

"But, Brother Copeland, you don't know the kinds of problems I'm facing."

I know I don't, but Jesus does and He said you should "cheer up" because He can give you peace in the midst of tribulation. He said that when Satan comes against you with everything he has, you should take heart because He's already beaten it-- Jesus has already overcome it and so can you!

First John 5:5 puts it this way, "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?"

Do you know what that scripture means? It means that if you are a born-again believer, you have an absolute right to be a winner, to overcome every aspect of this evil world. Think about that. Meditate on it. Start developing a winning attitude today!


Scripture Study: Romans 8:29-39

Sunday, June 11, 2006


June 11 - From Desperation to Devotion

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
(Colossians 3:2)


Dear Christian,

Things, things, things! A better job. A bigger house. New clothes for the kids. Tomorrow's luncheon date. A better television. Get the picture?

Many of us have learned to believe God to prosper us to such a degree that we have too much to keep up with. We end up spending so much time and energy taking care of the legitimate "things" of life that we unconsciously give the attention and affections of our heart over to this natural world instead of to God.

When Kenneth and I first heard about living by faith, we were in desperate circumstances. We were sick and broke, so it was easy for us to dedicate ourselves to prayer and to the Word. But as we honored God's Word, He honored and prospered us. We came to the place where we were no longer desperate. Then came the real test of our faith. Would we serve God out of our love for Him instead of our desperation?

Well, praise God, we did. But in the process we found out one thing: It takes a lot more dedication to serve God when you're prosperous than it takes when you're desperate! There's a constant temptation to get so caught up in the earthly things that your desire for the things of God fades into the background.

As the material blessings of God come your way, remember, God has not trained you in His Word so you can consume it on your own lusts. He has revealed His Word to you so you can walk in the Spirit and do the job He's called you to do.

Don't let the things of this world cause you to miss out on the glorious things of the Spirit. Get your priorities in line with God's Word. Set your mind on things above, and you'll discover just how heavenly life was really meant to be!


Scripture Study: Colossians 3:1-16

Saturday, June 10, 2006


June 10 - Develop the Love

"And what this love consists in is this, that we live and walk in accordance with and guided by His commandments His orders, ordinances, precepts, teaching. This is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you continue to walk in love guided by it and following it."
(2 John 1:6, Amp)


Dear Christian,

Quite simply, God says love is keeping His commandments. That brings love out of the indefinite into something explicit. But God has done more than define love for you. He's given you instructions so that you can know how to love as He loves. By giving you His Word, God has given you His love manual in black and white. All you have to do is follow it and you'll be walking in love.

If you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you've already taken the first step of obedience. The love of God has been born within you. But, unless you take steps to develop it, that love will remain hidden within you. Love works in much the same way as the force of faith. Like faith, love becomes active through knowledge of the Word.

Become love conscious by confessing and acting on God's Word today. As you meditate these scriptures, see yourself living the love life. See yourself walking in accordance with and guided by the commandments of Jesus. Develop the love He has hidden in you.


Scripture Study: 1 John 2:3-11

Friday, June 09, 2006


June 9 - Grace is Enough

"And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me."
(2 Corinthians 12:7)


Dear Christian,

The devil has used the traditional teaching of Paul's thorn in the flesh to talk believers out of the blessings of God for years, to try to convince us to settle for everything from sickness to sin--and to do it of our own free will.

It is perhaps the most destructive and the most widely accepted misinterpretation of Scripture that exists in the Body of Christ today. I've gone into countries to preach to people who hardly had any knowledge of the Word at all and still I have found that somehow they'd been taught about Paul's thorn.

And most of them have been taught wrongly.

Tradition says that God gave Paul the thorn in the flesh. What's more, tradition makes the thorn into some great mystery. But the Scripture doesn't say that at all!

It says that the thorn in the flesh was a messenger of Satan. Not God-- Satan! The thorn was quite literally just what Paul says it was--a "messenger sent from Satan."

You see, everywhere Paul went, he preached the gospel and every time he preached, he destroyed a little more of Satan's kingdom. So, Satan sent a messenger, an evil spirit, to stop him.

When Paul sought the Lord concerning this thorn (look at 2 Corinthians 12:8-10), God didn't answer Paul in the negative. God said, "My grace (or, My favor) is enough. It is sufficient for you. For My strength is made perfect in your weakness (inability to produce results)" (W.E. Vine's Expository Dictionary).

In other words, when Paul didn't have enough human strength to overcome, God's miracle-working power was sufficient for him. It enabled him to be an overcomer in spite of his weakness.

Don't allow the devil to talk you out of your victory. Throw tradition aside and dare to believe the Word of God. Fight the fight of faith, and just like the Apostle Paul, you will see the salvation of the Lord!


Scripture Study: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10


June 7 - Put the Rumor to Rest

"And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt...but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings."
(Exodus 10:22-23)


Dear Christian,

Years ago Satan started a rumor. He told a few Christians that they had to live like the world, sharing all the same misfortune, defeats, poverty and failure with those around them. Well, the word spread. You may have heard the rumor yourself. But I am telling you right now that it is a crafty lie.

The Word of God says in Psalm 91:10, that evil can't even come near your house if you are abiding in Him.

In John 16, Jesus Himself says He has deprived the world of power to harm you. And Exodus 10:23 says that when thick darkness surrounded the Egyptians, the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.

By these and other scriptures, you can see that God never intended you to experience all the junk the world suffers. He's always wanted His children to live above it, to stand out as light in a dark world.

In the Old Testament, God's fame was established because of the miracles He had worked for His children. That same thing should be true today with you and me. We should be glorifying God by the miraculously victorious lives we live. People should be coming up to us and saying things like, "I've heard how God healed you." Or, "I've heard how your children were delivered from drugs." Or, "God has really brought you out of a financial crisis."

Can you see now why Satan would spread a rumor to make you believe you have to suffer with the world instead of live as victor over it? He doesn't want people running after you asking where you get your power, your peace, your health and prosperity.

But that's exactly what God wants to happen. So put the Word of God to work and dare to receive the blessings He has promised to you. Let the light of God's power in your life put the devil's dark rumors to rest!


Scripture Study: Philippians 2:1-16

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


June 6 - High Priest of Your Confession

"Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession[or confession], Christ Jesus."
(Hebrews 3:1)


Dear Christian,

Very few believers today understand the mystery of the apostleship and priesthood of Jesus. We think that an apostle is some kind of supersaint. But "apostle" actually means "sent one." So, Jesus has been sent from God to do something for us.

He's been sent to serve as our High Priest. Again, many believers don't have the first idea what a high priest does. They picture a person walking around in strange clothes performing religious rituals.

In reality, a high priest is much more than that. He is one who is authorized to administer, to execute, to implement and to carry into effect. Now, you may wonder what it is that Jesus is authorized to administer, execute, or carry out on your behalf. Hebrews 3:1 says that Jesus is the High Priest of our confession. He's been sent to put into effect, to execute, to carry out the words that you say.

But have you been speaking what you feel, instead of speaking words of faith? If, for example, you're speaking sickness, what's He going to do with that? He's not High Priest over sickness. He can't execute that. If you're saying, "I'm so weak, I'm so tired," He can't carry that out. The Bible says, "Let the weak say, I am strong!" The minute you say that, Jesus can administer STRENGTH.

Jesus is not going to administer sickness or disease or poverty or sin. He's defeated all that. He is High Priest over deliverance and righteousness and freedom.

Consider that. Then as you come before Jesus, don't speak words of defeat. Speak words He can implement-- words of victory. That's what He's been ordained by God to bring to pass in your life.


Scripture Study: Hebrews 7:20-28

Monday, June 05, 2006


June 5 - Trust Him to Deliver You

"A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling."
(Psalm 91:7,10)


Dear Christian,

Naturally speaking, this is a terrifying world we're living in today. A world that staggers from one disaster to another. Almost daily we hear about wars, about the dangers of nuclear weapons and chemical warfare, about oil spills and earthquakes and floods, about diseases on the rise and crime sweeping through our cities.

But in the midst of it all, God is promising to be a refuge and a fortress to those who will trust and dwell in Him.

"But, Gloria," you might say, "He made that promise thousands of years ago when things weren't in as desperate shape as they are today!"

That may be so, but you know what? That promise is right up to date. It was made for our generation. Just think about it. Back when Psalm 91 was written, man hadn't even invented weapons that could destroy ten thousand people at once. We're the generation that did that. So when He said, "No evil will befall you," He was including us.

No evil will befall you. My, what a statement! You need to catch hold of it and believe it today. Believe that God wants to be God in your life. He wants to be your protection. He wants to be your security. He wants to be the first Name you call when trouble comes your way. He wants to be the One that you trust in and look to, to keep you safe. And if you'll do that, He'll never, never let you down.

He can handle all the dangers that surround you. I don't care how bad they are, He can handle them! He proved that with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were bound and thrown into a fiery furnace that was so hot that the men who threw them in were killed by the heat. Now you can't get in any more trouble than that. But God brought them through and when they came out, they didn't even smell like smoke. Hallelujah!

So, no matter how terrifying things around you se

Sunday, June 04, 2006


June 4 - Strength Made Perfect

"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
(2 Corinthians 12:9)

Dear Christian,

When you run into an impossible situation, a situation you simply don't have the strength or the ability to handle, are you often tempted to simply give up and accept defeat? Don't! Instead shout, "Glory!" because the Word says God's strength is about to be made perfect in you.

The word translated "strength" in this scripture is dunamis. It means "God's miracle-working power." Just think about that. When your human strength ends, God has promised that His miraculous power will bring you through!

If you'll look in Acts 14, you can see that promise in action. The apostle Paul was stoned by a group of Jews, taken out of the city and left for dead. Paul's human strength had ended. He was absolutely powerless.

But the disciples gathered around him and prayed, and the Lord raised him up and he went on his way. In other words, when Paul didn't have enough human strength to overcome, God's miracle-working power was sufficient for him. It enabled him to be an overcomer in spite of his weakness!

So, if you are facing a crisis today. If you're sick and medicine has failed you. If your finances are out of control. If your family is falling apart. If bad habits have you hopelessly bound. If you've done absolutely all you know to do and you still haven't gotten results. Then rejoice! For when human strength ends, the power of God excels! Only believe! God's grace is sufficient for you!

Scripture Study: Acts 14:1-22

Saturday, June 03, 2006


June 3 - Free From Fear

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
(2 Timothy 1:7)

Dear Christian,

What would you think if I told you that you could live without fear? Would you believe me if I said that despite what you saw on the news tonight, you could be perfectly at peace? Impossible? Unrealistic? No!

You see, fear isn't just a reaction to external circumstances. It's a spiritual force. It begins inside a person. And it is totally destructive. In fact, fear is Satan's primary weapon. He moves in response to fear, the way God moves in response to faith. He challenges the promises of God with it.

An excellent example of this is found in Matthew 14 when Jesus invited Peter to come to Him on the water. "But when he [Peter] saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me" (verse 30).

What enabled Peter to walk on the water? His faith in the Word of Jesus. What caused Peter to sink? He saw the wind boisterous and he was afraid. It wasn't the wind that defeated him, it was his fear of it! He looked at his circumstances, gave into the fear, and the result was defeat. If Peter had kept his focus on Jesus, his faith would never have wavered. All the blustering and blowing in the world couldn't have drawn him off course.

Faith is developed by meditating on God's Word. Fear is developed by meditating on Satan's lies. Such fearful meditation is called worrying. Don't do it!

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. Use it to fight Satan every time he comes against you. Hold up your shield of faith and quench all of his fiery darts. Speak words of faith and fear will depart.

Scripture Study: Psalm 27

Friday, June 02, 2006


June 2 - Begin to Praise

"Rejoice in the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright, in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright in heart."
(Psalm 33:1, Amp)


Dear Christian,

Praise. According to the Word of God, that's the most appropriate, becoming, thing that you as a believer can do.

Let me warn you though, God's idea of appropriate praise and yours may well be two very different things. The praise He calls for is joyous and uninhibited. And, at times, it's just plain loud!

If you don't believe it, look in the Bible and see the kind of praise that goes on in heaven. Read Isaiah 6 and find out how they act in the throne room. The seraphim shout in there until the doorposts shake! And when they do, the glory of the Lord fills the house.

When you get to heaven, you're going to be praising like that too. You're going to be leaping and praising God with every part of your being. But don't wait until then to start. Begin now.

Decide today that instead of praising God the way you like, you are going to start doing it the way He likes. Begin to release those praises joyously, uninhibitedly. Don't wait until you get to heaven to praise God with all your being. Do it now. He deserves it!

Scripture Study: Isaiah 6:1-8


June 2 - Begin to Praise

"Rejoice in the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright, in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright in heart."
(Psalm 33:1, Amp)

Dear Christian,

Praise. According to the Word of God, that's the most appropriate, becoming, thing that you as a believer can do.

Let me warn you though, God's idea of appropriate praise and yours may well be two very different things. The praise He calls for is joyous and uninhibited. And, at times, it's just plain loud!

If you don't believe it, look in the Bible and see the kind of praise that goes on in heaven. Read Isaiah 6 and find out how they act in the throne room. The seraphim shout in there until the doorposts shake! And when they do, the glory of the Lord fills the house.

When you get to heaven, you're going to be praising like that too. You're going to be leaping and praising God with every part of your being. But don't wait until then to start. Begin now.

Decide today that instead of praising God the way you like, you are going to start doing it the way He likes. Begin to release those praises joyously, uninhibitedly. Don't wait until you get to heaven to praise God with all your being. Do it now. He deserves it!

Scripture Study: Isaiah 6:1-8

Thursday, June 01, 2006


June 1 - The Great Escape

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Dear Christian,

Once you start stepping out in faith and walking in the Spirit, the devil will see to it that you have ample opportunity to fall flat on your spiritual face. He'll try to get you into some jams where there appears to be no way out.

But take it from me as one who's been there, if you'll look to God and trust His wisdom instead of your own, He'll always show you a way of escape (1 Cor. 10:13). Not only that, but He'll do it in such a way that He'll get the glory and you'll have the last laugh on the devil.

I remember one particular Wednesday night in Wichita Falls, Texas, where I was faced with just such a situation. I was preaching on the reality of the righteousness of God, and the anointing was really strong. Just as my message reached its climactic moment, a woman in the audience suddenly burst forth in tongues. I told her to stop three times, but she only continued to grow louder. By the time she hushed, the anointing had gone and the message was forgotten. So I looked at that woman sternly and began to correct her for being out of order.

Then a man sitting next to her spoke up and said, "Brother Copeland, she is stone deaf. She can't hear a word you're saying."

At that point, I had no idea what to do. Not only had my sermon been shattered, but the whole congregation was mad at me for getting onto that poor deaf woman. (I found out later the man next to her used her to disrupt services and run preachers out of town. When the service reached a high point, he'd punch her and tell her it was her turn to prophesy.)

So I just stopped a moment and got quiet and waited for the Lord to tell me what to do. Sure enough, He told me. He said, "Call her up and lay hands on her and I'll open her ears."

Talk about a turnaround! When God healed that woman's ears, He turned that disaster into one of the most powerfully anointed meetings I'd ever had. Everybody was blessed!

Next time the devil tries to back you into a corner, get quiet. Ask God to show you the way of escape. He'll bring you out in victory every time.

Scripture Study: Acts 14:8-22