Thursday, April 28, 2005


I LOVE IT. I have no idea who advices President Bush on his timing of news conferences, but I was astounded that one was scheduled tonight which just happens to be the first day of the May sweeps. Of course I am aware that Friday night would be a poor night because that is when lots of people cash their weekly checks and then go grocery shopping, or just plain shopping at Wal Mart's.

Of course he would never have one on Wednesday night because most of his support base would be at Bible Study or Prayer Meeting. He did not have a big surprise announcement to make to the Nation. I think, in my humble opinion, that it was a very good move on the President's part. Millions of people were watching and they needed to be reminded that we have a good and decent man in the White House. Pure and simple.

I would like to thank the Lord for blessing America in spite of us, not because of us. I am very grateful that we have George W. Bush as our President during this day and this hour.

That's my thinking about the Press Conference and I just wanted to write it down before I watch or listen to or read anyone else's thoughts.

Thanks for listening.


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